AnnMai: Debate

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  • Thursday, November 23, 2006


    The debate on Thursday was really very interesting and fun. I really like that our class has such different points of view. Some of the classmate brought up ideas and opinions that had never occured to me. Nevertheless, I still stick to my opinion to support the space program.
    I had often wondered why our government spent billions of dollars on NASA while there are thousands of homeless and Katrina victims as well as other national and international crisis…a.k.a. Iraq. But I am mature enough to realize that there will always problems and crisis in front of us and to say that we will worry about the space program when all the problems in the world are solved is to say never to the space program.
    As we all are fully aware about Global Warming, we know that our planet won’t be a good place to live if we continue to live the way we live (like burning fossil fuel and obsession for energy). Another point I like to point out is that our sun is a medium-size star. It won’t stay this way forever. As we know, it will grow bigger and will burn hotter. And when it gets bigger, our beautiful planet Earth will become an Inferno…like Venus. It might not happen for a few billions of years, but all scientists know it will happen. We all want the human race to survive for as long as we can and so, we must search for a different planet…preferably in a different solar system…to live.
    Another point I want to bring out is that we need more land!!! Populations in China and India are frighteningly huge! And land is always the same, so are our natural resources.
    Again, I truly support the space program if it is use to find a new planet for my probably great-great-great-great-great…grandchildren to continue the human race. I paid my taxes so I should have a say in how it been spend…and I say that some percent of my tax should be used in finding me another home for as well as my latergeneration.

    Few more post to write!!!
    Ann Mai


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